Sunday, November 11, 2007

Judging requires information

Information that I don't have.

While I agree that prosperity gospel comes periliously close to heresy... what of the church where a pot of propserity honey hides a core of truth in each message? "Seeker sensitive" sermons are more and more the rage these days... people are saved by the most unlikely methods.

At any rate, when I said I wouldn't judge those I don't know - it's because to do a proper job I'd need to listen to at least half a dozen sermons by the person in question, do a brief biographic search, and look into their fruit. It's not my call to do that... and I won't casually besmirch the name of someone who might be my brother in Christ. Is it the call of others? Yes. Just not mine. :) If you want to start doing the due diligence on folks, go for it, I"ll be interested to hear your results. For me, I'll stick to doing that sort of research on the people I'm relying on for my spiritual food.

To be very frank, I think the American church is in terrible disorder. We are weak and through and through with various disease. But there is still a remnant of faithful, even in the most lukewarm churches - so I am leary of attacking them. This is not, to my mind, the time for that. It's the time for getting our own spiritual houses in order and praying for our brethren to do the same. I don't know... I just can't bring myself to speak against the brethren. Even the ones that make me want to bite something! I don't think it's being a "nice lady" (though a compliment that I covet), I think it's being constrained of the Spirit. /shrug.

Watching and waiting and hoping for change....................
