Thursday, November 15, 2007

Now I've scared you off

from YOUR own blog... :( I didn't mean to do it!

At any rate, I think we need some fresh subjects to ponder, having gotten into rather deep water with the salvation and age of accountability etc etc...

It's coming up on Christmas and Thanksgiving in the States... how do you make those holidays more spiritually meaningful, or do you? (I know you had your TG a month ago.. all that pie!)

I've pretty much given up the holidays themselves... they're secular and that's the way it is. Christmas is mostly about the kids and the joy. But Christmas Eve? Now that's my veryvery special spiritual holiday. And I do enjoy it. It's a time to go to church (mine usually has communion) and to come home to a nice calm dinner and spend some time watching the lights on the tree, some special time reading the Christmas story and contemplating the love of our Lord. I try hard to keep it special like that, which can be hard with a town full of family and last minute preparations. But... that's what I do.

How about you?