I think maybe I've got my own version of "make it perfect" for the kids... "make it not too secular". :) Probaby mom-itis. You have given me a lot to think about (and a lot to chill out about) so many thanks. I needed that!
Both my preachers (Dr. McGee and Pastor Mike) talked about doing a "spiritual inventory" today, looking back to improve forward. Whenever it comes about that two people take the same theme on the same day, I hear the Holy Spirit at work. And I got hit hard with Pastor Mike, and "using the day for the Lord". I've been not doing much this past week, even though feeling better, just out of habit of hoarding my strength and somewhat out of depression. I have two days before I'm going to be feeling unwell again, so I need to use them well, and use them for Him.
Do you have any big spiritual lessons that you've learned this year? (That you want to reveal to our theoretical audience, of course). And what, if any, resolutions are you making this New Year with regards to spiritual growth? I'm not thinking that this would be a question/topic to answer tomorrow, but something perhaps we can address as we go over the next month or so?
Whereas I enjoy talking about the big theological things, I think it's useful for folks to be able to read our personal struggles and how we work through them with the Lord. So, I'm going to try to be as transparent as I can be in a blog format read by strangers... if you're not up for that, it's cool. You can throw questions at me and make me work harder. :) And if you are up for it, we can do that for each other. And we can continue on with our discussion about the big things as they come to mind.
Your thoughts?