Friday, November 30, 2007

A New 95 Theses

I accidentally came across a website that, to my mind summarizes the problem with Christianity as practised in the US. I would like to know what you think of it, and if you disagree with it, how and on what biblical grounds.

I've mentioned before that a lot of non-Americans have huge problems with American Christianity, which seems to be more American than Christian. It is odd to me when people refer to much of western Europe as post-Christian when in the eyes of many Christians throughout the world, Americans have confused American patriotism with Christianity. Unfortunately, it seems almost impossible to bring up that subject without being called anti-American.

I haven't read through the entire site so I don't know if I agree with everything but the 95 Theses that they present, at first glance, do seem to hit on why American Christianity has fallen into such disrepute in the world, not only among Christians from other nations, but also among non-Christians in America.

The site is called Kingdom Now.

If for some reason, this is offensive to you or you would prefer not to discuss it, I understand, and in that case just ignore this post.


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