Saturday, November 10, 2007

God Works in Mysterious Ways - or Not

Now I'm afraid that my last post may have scared you right off your own blog. I actually intended to write about something else, but the Spirit may have had other ideas. See now, I don't really know what people are talking about when they talk about the Holy Spirit and attribute every thought to him 'leading' them. But maybe that is what happens when my intentions are to write about something entirely different than what I end up writing about.

I guess that is my problem with people who claim that the Holy Spirit must have led them to this or to that since, the way they've described this process (for want of a better word) when their intention is at odds with what they end up actually doing, is that if one is indoctrinated to believe in the leading of the Holy Spirit, then it is easy to attribute almost anything you want to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Non-religious people have such experiences too and call it deja vu.

But maybe the Holy Spirit did lead me, in spite of my doubtful ways, into that post. I won't swear to it though. I can only say that my intention was certainly not to hurt you or to blame you for every single bad Christian in the world. I know from our emails before we started this blog, that you too hurt when God's name is besmirched. And I'm not asking you to apologise or hold you accountable on behalf of what others do.

My thoughts were more general than that. They usually are, although I have no idea if they come across that way.

I was thinking only that we (Christians, generally) have a very bad habit of throwing up our hands as though the bad parts of Christianity, or the bad Christians are some sort of fluke for which we bear no responsibility. If we don't see that it isn't a fluke when it keeps happening over and over again, we can't stop it. We are not responsible for the individual sins of an individual but I think society, and especially Christians should have a general feeling of responsibility. It shouldn't be the exception when a Christian actually acts like a Christian.

I can't remember who it was but someone once said that the problem with Christianity was that it has never been tried.

What I was going to post on was Mennonites, and how on the surface it might seem as though I have painted them as truly good Christians, good people, whether one is a Christian or not. Hardworking, pacifist, forgiving and all that crap that non-Mennonites tend to believe that Mennonites are, in addition to having the horse and buggy parked outside the front door, of course.

Mennonites, as I know them, having been born to a Mennonite family and raised in a mainly Mennonite community, and having gone to a Mennonite church - for a while anyway - are some of the most unforgiving people you will ever meet. And that was what I was going to post on. But that post will have to wait for another day.
