Sunday, October 12, 2008

I was wondering what happened to you!

Ettiquette varies I think, but he was over the line.

Then again, my back guy always wanted to think positive thoughts with his forehead pressed to a hand pressed to my forehead when he was finishing up. (I'm pretty sure he was wiccan or new-age, based on the red-string wrapped herb bundles in the corner). It might be a health-practioner thing to urge religion on you.

I would not find his behavior disturbing in someone who went to church with you - I have friends who like to do the praying on the phone thing. But they're my FRIENDS.

If he did that here he'd be out of business in less than a month.

What would I do in a situation like that? Probably tell him where I went to church and discuss it. He probably WAS trying to evangelize you, so if you're saved, he's going to knock it off. (Hopefully).

But you don't go to church. So he'd probably find that out and urge you to go to church at his church and bury you in fellowship verses.

I'd change practioners if possible (and if it's helping). No reason to be made uncomfortable. My wiccan rolfer didn't make me uncomfortable, I just ignored his mind meld business (at the time, now I'd ask him not to do it). If it's not possible to change practioners, I'd say, "I am saved, but my relationship with the Lord is an intensely private thing, and I would prefer not to discuss it during our sessions. Thank you."

So. Yep. He was a crazy one. You get 'em. They're just like big silly dogs, trying too hard. Try to take them with a grain of salt and recognize that God takes all kinds in His family. :)

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