Thursday, October 16, 2008

Got it

Yes, it is illuminating. Thank you. But I don't think he sees me as his sister in Christ. I think he thinks I am an unbeliever.

And your other point is well taken, that some Christians are trying to choose between two evils. Of course, that is why I stopped voting about three elections ago. I don't think it is good enough for a Christian to choose between the lesser of two evils, but that we serve Christ and him alone.

Interestingly, on - I believe 60 Minutes, a week or two ago - they interviewed the commander of the US forces in Iraq and asked him whom he was voting for. He said when he'd gotten to a certain level (I am not sure which level that was), he'd stopped voting altogether, as his job was not to take sides but to support whatever government was in power.

Pretty much my rational for why Christians ought not to vote. That Christian loyalty to the Supreme Commander ought to take precedence over earthly rulers, and I can't think of a single earthly ruler who is "worthy", if you want to call it that, of a Christian's vote. Much like the Roman soldier who told Jesus he believed he could heal at a distance just by his say-so, I thought this commander "got" it, even if he wasn't thinking in Christian terms but rather those of his duty to his earthly masters.


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