Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Western secular laws

aren't quite the point of this blog... and I'll not argue them. I have a sneaking suspicion that though they did damage, the current set are worse. But our Lord will set us straight on that... only He can govern wisely, more's the pity.

As for the laws governing Christians... well, aren't they supposed to govern commited Christians? I mean... if you loved your neighbor as yourself, wouldn't it be possible to *show* love (action verb) to your spouse, even if you no longer particularly liked them? As for the radical exceptions you noted - I firmly believe that separation and a call for justice is the loving and correct thing to do.

It's hard to be a human, and indeed one of the hardest relationships that humans can have is within marriage. It's a metaphor of Christ and the church - it should be a way to show what will be, but too often is a way to imitate His suffering instead. I do think that He notes all sacrifices given in His name - especially those that go unnoted by anyone else.

As for sex, no I meant sex, not procreation. For sexless marriages - well, we're enjoined against that too... shall I cite? And for the time after sex leaves... hopefully a life spent together is all the joining needed.

Marriage is hard, no way 'round it. And if we fail or fall... we do.

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