Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dissension at last!

Having read my blog on myspace, I'll assume I shouldn't repeat the argument that I made there, about the government tacitly giving its seal of approval to actions that it performs ceremonies in celebration of. I was not *really* going to burn my driver's license, I assure you. And you *did* make rather the point of saying you didn't consider yourself particularly loyal or associated with the worldly government of whichever country.

So let us begin with homosexuality as a individual act vs. identifying oneself as a homosexual person. People who do the latter frequently primarily self-identify as gay/lesbian as their PRIMARY self-identification. ("Describe yourself"). When was the last time you heard someone identify themselves as a "gossiping drunkard", whether or not that happened to be true?

I completely agree that homosexual relations are no worse than fornication - and I'm far from saying I've never sinned in that direction. Sins of the flesh are sins of the flesh. And we all have weaknesses in one or more areas!

My concern with gay marriage is 1) that the government will give its approval and then I have to explain to my children that the government might say that this is fine and good, but it's not (which is less easy than you might think) and 2) that the individuals who marry (or otherwise commit themselves) will then permanently turn from our Savior.

Repentance of sin generally comes as part and parcel of conversion, but if one is involved in a sin and has made a life of it... how likely is it that that person will feel the lash of conviction and change course? How will it be that someone will hear that still small voice calling them to come to Jesus and think, "maybe..." and then look at their spouse's face, and the face of their children and walk away from that? Even Christian married people are tempted with every breath to put their spouses' happiness above obedience to God (see 1 Corinthians 7).

Having previously made it simplicity itself to simply *live* in sin (California has a domestic partners law) for either hetero or homosexuals, we have now provided a way for those who are living in sin to make it feel like they are not. Otherwise why does the word matter?

It's not as if I didn't expect this to happen. And it's not as if I expect the vote in November to take us out of this. But shall I not mourn? Flexible morality is the bane of our nation! Jesus is the Way, the ***Truth***, and the Light. He's the TRUTH - there is such a thing as truth. Shouldn't someone stand up and say, "here it is"? Aren't we *called* to be lights on the hilltop?

I think that's where you and I differ with our respect towards the governments we live under. I think it's a responsibility given to me to use my vote to uphold the laws that my God has given me. I am not particularly attached to succeeding - in fact, I think it's unlikely that I will. But I have been given that vote and I think I'll be called to account for how I've used it. Ultimately, God is in charge. Ultimately His will WILL be done.

Until He returns - our duty is to get the Word out to every person on this earth, and we are in no way helped in that sacred charge by those who choose to say that light is darkness and darkness is light.

So - that's my objection, part two.

PS - no worries about the brilliant posts, personally I've been crazed busy this week and you're lucky I'm having a lazy Saturday!

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