Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ah well, we agree and yet not

I do agree... America is not in the Bible. I agree, it's dangerous to think that we have a voice from on High about... anything. But - yet I disagree. We are (some of us) given prophecy - and much to the disgust of my co-religionist blogger (the Baptist, not you), I am OFTEN given "feelings", "nudges", "the still, small voice"... and I *know* it's from God. How do I know? Well the first thing is that that small voice *never* asks you to do anything that contradicts the Bible. Never. Not in the smallest thing. Similarly, if we're given what we think are prophecies, I think they should be concrete and testable - and we *should* test them privately before claiming the gift of prophecy as a public ministry.

But is it impossible, simply because America does not fit into Biblical prophecies about the specifics of the last days (I agree we are in the spiritual famine and the apostasy), that no one can have a prophecy about America, in the times before?

Honestly, I don't think there's come a prophet with the true gift of Godly prophecy for nations. I've heard more than a few national prophecies and they are either vague or don't happen. That doesn't mean I think it's not possible, especially as the close of the age draws near. (It does mean I then discount those prophets).

What do I think? I think that instead of proper prophecy, many of us are given the gift of discernment. And those folks can perceive the truth of a situation, the dangers we happen to be in, the state of the souls around them, etc. If you use logic and the Bible and a good eye for the truth... you can get to where *most* of the so-called prophets take themselves.

That's what I read prophecy for. I'm searching for grains of truth. Ideas. Possible futures. Paths through the fog. We *know* that the West is not in the book of Revelation. So... where do we go? When do we disappear? How?

I think we will get very small prophecies that are filled before the very end, to get the attention of non-believers on God. Big stuff? No. Our Lord has a timetable, and it's His and His alone.

And we, we are commanded to watch for His return.

(And sorry for A) taking so long and B) being so scattered. I am suddenly terribly busy just living life and doing phys therapy - and other things that you know about from our private correspondence).

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