Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I've been mulling how to respond to your post, since I live thousands of miles away, pulling up in my minivan with tea and hot breadish products is out - and that's definitely what's called for. I am so very sorry to hear what a dreadful month you've had. You certainly didn't need any more unpleasantness. Know that you are in my prayers, as always.

As for communism vs. socialism, those are pretty basic definitions. Communism is the idealistic place that socialism aims for. Socialism is the administration thereof, and involves a government. I really don't have a problem with communism - it's very sensible, and likely to be a big part of Millenial society, when we get our heads on straight and realise that everything belongs to God anyway. (or not... doesn't He say everyone gets their OWN vine and fig tree? Is possessiveness part of humanity? Something to mull on quiet days).

I think Americans don't like government, big government, because we're from pioneer blood. And we identify with cowboys and Laura Ingalls. "Do for yourself, cut your own piece of land and make something of it, by your own bootstraps" etc. Government is something of a necessary evil. And we trust our neighbors, other good Americans, but not the folks in Washington. /shrug. (grin) Americans are weird, but there you are. A part of our national character.

New things: Reading a great book called, "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Apparently he has a website too (which I have not yet checked out). So far so great - and I think you could really get into the book. About halfway through, and he's laying into the western church as being lukewarm... with a self-test to check ones own lukewarmness. It's a very good, very inspirational read. My sisterfriend bought it for us jointly for Christmas, gave it to me to read first. :)

I seem to be getting chivvied into thinking about God's greatness and gloriousness. I envy you, with your farm. It's far too easy for me to spend days on end without seeing any proper nature at all... one of my New Year's resolutions is to spend more time at the beach. But... do you meditate on God Himself very often? How do you get there? I find it daunting and a bit scary, like standing at the top of a cliff wearing a hanglider for the very first time. I'm sure I'll be safe, but oh my!

Hugs, prayers...



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