Saturday, December 6, 2008

Capitalism anti-Christian?

Good morning! To clear up the last bits of the Prop 8 mess, we were definitely confused, because I could have sworn that you thought that I thought that Prop 8 had failed and that thus the Christians here in Cali were being persecuted. As for the state and religion - let's face it, religion and government are always in each other's pockets. That's how life works. Because both seek to tell the person on the street what is permissiable and what is not. I could go off on a major tangent about this... :) But I won't.

Capitalism is decidedly Christian - at least if you define "capitalism" as "I work for what I earn, I keep whatever I earn to spend as I choose". (I don't think that wall street is Christian, I am certain that cut-throat business practice is not Christian). Socialism is NOT Christian. Groups of Christians, particularly the early Christians, did practice Christian Communism... very briefly, because human nature isn't set up for perfect communism. (Socialism is not Communism. Communism does not involve a government, it is the place of perfection where all share everything directly. Socialism is where you are forced to give what you earn to the government, which then distributes it).

Capitalism is part of the daily life of a Christian (or Jew). 1) It allows for the blessing of God to be shown to the world at large. This is how it worked in the OT, and what Jews still believe - godly people should expect to prosper financially. (Christians expect to be provided for by God directly and expect to go through worldly travail). 2) It allows for charity. Socialism removes charity from the hands of the individual. Both Jews and Christians are commanded to care for the widows and orphans and to give generously. 3) It allows for hard work. Again, human nature... socialism doesn't inspire individuals to work hard, unless negative sanctions are made directly. (We can certainly prove this!). If you know that you'll be provided for, regardless of what you do, you do very little. Paul commanded that if a man didn't work, he shouldn't eat!

Communism works very well in very small groups that are all committed to the same goal. It worked briefly in the early church. And then it failed. Most spectacularly in the case of Ananias and Saphira. I've always been taught that they didn't die because they held back part of the purchase price, but because they lied about it.

Everything that we own belongs to God. And we are to be stewards of that which He has given to us. We are to strive for its increase and we are to give generously to all who ask of us (individuals).

WWJD? Well... Jesus will give every human his vine and his figtree, that we are all given something to work WITH! No one will have the fruits of his labor stolen from him (war). Beast and moth and corruption won't steal either. And no orphan or widow will go hungry. Jesus' economy is a gift economy.

Now... socialism depends on the government. It depends on the honesty and efficiency of the government. And it's always been a BIG government thing. Do you trust your government? I don't!!!! Do I want my government giving money to huge corporations? NO! That's not good stewardship. They *in no way* fall under any of the guidelines of who might be found need of organized charity in the Bible. I rather think they fall under the "don't work, don't eat" set of guidelines!

So, in socialism, or in what the ranters and ravers are calling socialism, I am forced to give larger sums in taxes to my government so that they in turn can use it as they see fit. (In true socialism, I'd work for the government, they would take all the fruits of my labor, and I'd be paid whatever they felt like paying me, which I would then use to purchase whatever they felt like offering).

Christians are called to open-handed charity, but I see nowhere, OT or NT, where we are called to socialism. Small groups that take good care of each other, such as the Anabaptists, aren't socialist, they're communist, and praise God that they can make it work. I don't believe that communism is possible outside a small community that knows and works with one another. And socialism is a bird of a different color entirely.

I will try to be better about checking and posting...... all the best! :) Hearth

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