Sunday, March 23, 2008

Welcome back!

And Happy Easter... He is Risen! :)

Good Friday services were needed and a true blessing here as well. I went in exhausted and beaten down from a long bad day and walked out full of my Savior's love. Sure, my church is noisy (oh boy howdy are we noisy) but it is definitely a "joyful noise unto the Lord". I'm old-school and really prefer organ and piano music, but the electric guitar and amplifiers do serve to break down the barriers - you are *there*. And no one can hear my dreadful singing, no matter how loud I want to be! :)

As for Obama... I work very diligently to ignore the candidates until they've figured out who the ones you can actually vote for are. Too many years have passed where I've become enamored of someone early on and they've garnered virtually none of the votes needed to even to the real election. But I couldn't completely ignore the foo-foo-rah about his pastor's remarks. Frankly - his pastor has said some horrible things. Do I think that means that Obama follows his pastor? Doubtful. I ... am sorry, my dear. I don't like any politician, and I tend to think that they do the most politically expedient thing rather than the most honest thing. Claiming religion is one of those things - unless I can see proof in action (and action going back well before elections were part of the picture) I tend to think they call themselves "Christians" because most Americans are Christians at least in name. Is Obama's religion that sort? No clue - as I said, I've been ignoring it most diligently. I would counsel, however, not to become too enamored of anyone whose charisma is powerful. Charisma, generally speaking, is rarely given to our brothers and sisters in Christ. My concern is that some of Obama's more vocal and powerful supporters are not the sort that I would wish to ally myself with.

Then again... I am a cheerful optimistic fatalist and I'm rather expecting the end of the world in the next few years, so expecting to get a President that I could trust and be proud of is far too much to ask. Instead I'm expecting someone who will sell his or her soul to the AntiChrist *or* someone who dies in office and is replaced by someone who will.

Speaking of which, I read the other day that the euro will be going paperless in 2010. Interesting? Ah yes, the world is extremely interesting - more so every day.

Very glad to hear that you've been so wrapped up in your project that you've been happily unaware of time passing by. :) I think it's time for me to go make coffee and get my kids ready for Easter Sunday School.

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