Sunday, February 24, 2008

As I went to church today

A few minor thoughts struck me (other than the gee I hope I don't trip on anything this time thoughts - lol).

1) We'll be engaging in corporate worship in Heaven.
2) Singing and things is better in person.
3) Sermons are better in person too.
4) It's good to see the faces of other Christians, and get the vibe.

It's not the only way, but ... I stand by its importance.

Other than that... a few thoughts here and there have wandered through. I continue to read Bonhoeffer, but though I want to stand up and follow his challenge to radical obedience, I don't know about some of the implications - especially in the early essays - that without that radical obedience, salvation isn't there.

At any rate, I'm definitely not up to debating that, just wanted to let you know I hadn't fallen off the face of the planet. :) Lots of small thoughts, hope to have a bigger more cohesive thought to chew on jointly... do you have any in stock?

Hugs and hope you are better...

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